Officially licensed by WWE
Artist: Stolitron
Size: 18” x 24”
Details: 6 color silkscreen featuring the two sides of Bray Wyatt, the Fiend.
Run: Limited run of printer proofs.
Deluxe Frame: Aluminum face of the frame protects your picture from scratches and dust with a lightweight clear material, giving a glossy tone over the top of your print and keeping it shielded from everyday events. The deluxe poster frame has a heavy-molded black aluminum trim that gives it an attractive contemporary look.
What is a Serigraph?Serigraphy is also known as silk screening or screen printing. It uses a stencil-based printing process in which ink is forced through a fine screen onto the paper beneath. The process is carefully repeated with each color, making sure each design element is lined up properly, until the entire design is complete. |